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Make no mistake; I have made a serious decision in acquiring these objects. I will be obliged to care for this collection in perpetuity. It is not a lighthearted decision to curate and exhibit these collections, they are a private collection that will evolve and grow – maybe a homage to Pitt Rivers?

The samples have been correctly logged and catalogued, extensively played with and the photographs stand as a record of childhood experiences.

Like a museum or a managed institution, the playroom contents will be prone to ideological change over the foreseeable future, however with the lure of digital technology and appeal of screen time, what is the future of the humble toy, shiny rock or rubber grasshopper?

This body of work identifies the possessions and obsession of my children. The collection reflects the quirky nature of imagination, play and the maternal challenges of daily life.

The photographic triptych offers a snapshot of their existence that is in a state of constant flux. As photographic curator I have gathered and catalogued these everyday mundane objects and displayed them so others may connect with them from personal experience or humorous observation.

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