Photographic Visual Artist
Hey girl, move a little closer
Pause Record Play
Reminiscence is a powerful thing, musing over poignant moments and capturing glimpses of times gone. My project is a photographic archive, study and collection that encompass elements of my early teens, growing up and the fragile years of discovering who you are and where you fit. I want my work to visually unlock, and communicate moments of my childhood and question if today’s youth can connect and understand these inanimate objects? Is there only a certain generation that can relate to and recognise the content of this study.
My photographic imagery has been created in the darkroom, exploring the simple traditional process of photograms. I have endeavoured to communicate the rawness of sound and visually stimulate a response to the viewer’s own reflective memories. Can the photographs capture a moment and allow us to return to our naive young selves? Does sound and music echo in your mind when these specimens confront you?
In these ‘studies’ cassette tapes sections are exhibited in shallow cylindrical glass petri dishes to form part of an ‘experiment’ to transport us back, to that moment.
I want us to consider how the impact of how the choice of object, process and words can prompt a reaction to a photograph.
Work selected a prize winner of
Love Art 2019