Photographic Visual Artist

The Broken Gnome Diaries - 2020
Lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed lives, disrupted the young & old, and deeply impacted on how we exist.
It has also shown us how resilient and creative, we can be in isolation.
This body of work is a glimpse of my life under lockdown. It embraces my new found love our garden. Being forced to spend more time at home, missed holidays, outdoor schooling and fair weather has resulted in a series of still life creations, almost a contemporary archive slide show for generations to come of what we did in the months between March and August 2020. Catch bugs, crochet rainbow flowers, lots of BBQ's and watch the birds. The garden - my beautiful sanctuary and outdoor space that became the natural extension of our home.
The has been included in Flea Circus Magazine - volume 1 - Little Victories.