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'On Our Doorstep'

It’s important not to underestimate how powerful community spirit can be once an idea has evolved. Bonding local ‘strangers’ and ‘unfamiliar’ neighbours can have such a positive impact on wellbeing for people who may not normally cross paths.

“The “Belgrave Community Garden” project is based on a plot of land which had been empty and abandoned for years, becoming little more than a litter trap. Although there had been talk of tarmacking it over, thankfully the council decided instead to offer it to the community for development.  In response, a group got together who wanted to try and make a difference to the neglected space. They had a vision of a safe and inspiring area to meet, grow herbs, vegetables, plants, flowers, to share, but also create a nurturing space for wildlife on the doorstep of the mainly urban environment.

Their simple mission was to transform a dead space and make it blossom for everyone.

The project, spearheaded by ‘Alison’ and a small group of locals, has changed a small plot adjacent to Belgrave Library & Recreation Ground, Leicester. With the public space gradually developing over the last 2 years, the council also gave the group permission to create a wildflower corridor between Belgrave library and the Neighbourhood Centre. Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust’s “Nextdoor Nature” project stepped in at this point, organising enthusiastic volunteers to help prepare the ground for the corridor. Raised beds have been created for vegetables, spring bulbs buried in winter, and wildflower seeds planted for all to enjoy. Now a regular open gardening group, that meets Wednesday mornings to litter pick, weed, and tend to the vegetable plot and wildflower corridor. But equally a supportive group who chat, smile, and support each other.

‘On our doorstep’ is a body of work, developed from using the plants, wildflowers, and foliage ‘borrowed’ from the Belgrave Community plot and surrounding wild area. By collecting samples and cuttings and using a traditional darkroom process, I have created black & white detailed prints from the specimens. A process where light sensitive material (photographic paper) has captured the unique textures, shapes, and shadows. Delicate silhouettes are formed  and then processed to create an archive. A permanent collection of evidence highlighting the community’s hard work.

The urban area seems to have flourished by this small project, and I wanted to highlight the devoted members of the group by merging portraits with the artworks.

Over 15 images create a visual photographic narrative that celebrates the passion and the people who are making a difference to a public space. This is a story of hard work, resilience, fun, friendship and how an idea can grow and impact on wildlife and society.

This work was created whilst working with Collective723 a team of four image makers.

The work was exhibited at three locations in Leicester during 2024.

Big Thanks to Leicester Coffee House, Wygston's House and Belgrave Library, and of course the wonderful gardening group who meet every Wednesday morning.


All work, photography & content are copyright to Clair Robins 1991-2025

Please contact me for more details about my work:

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