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Tick One Box - Page 2


During early Spring of 2020, my eldest daughter was practicing mock papers in preparation to take her SATs. (Standard Assessment Tests) However, covid had different plans for that, and she never did take them. I created ‘Tick one box’ - a series of still life works from the papers, to hold a legacy and fond memory of the work that she did.

Almost all parents and children in year 6 at primary school will have had many discussions about SATs. You will hear very mixed opinions about the importance, relevance and if they are essential, and if so to whom? Three years on, my youngest, wasn’t quite so lucky, she sat the papers in early May. We have been surrounded by practice sheets, booklets, and sample papers for weeks. So ‘Page 2’ was created in response to her understanding of grammar, punctuation, maths, reasoning, poetry, and more key areas of learning. My pithy portraits and still life observations evolved from the titles, questions, discussions, and feelings that she had as she practiced hard in an attempt to achieve scaled score of 100 or more. Will she get the grade, and be working at the expected government standard?

Tick one box – Page 2 is another visual tribute and reminder of the UK’s educational learning measures. And don’t forget, ‘show your working’.

The original project ( tick one box) started life here:

SATS - Tick One Box

All work, photography & content are copyright to Clair Robins 1991-2025

Please contact me for more details about my work:

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